

8 Things to Do in Strandhill

I am spending a lot of time in Strandhill lately. Mainly because the weather is so nice and also it’s only a 10 minute drive down the road from us. To anyone who doesn’t know Strandhill but would love to come and visit one day, or people who live nearby and want to go on a road trip and have…

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The Mummy Tag

Oh how I have missed a good tag.  I haven’t had one in such a long time.  It was about time I found this one a few days ago. It’s called the Mummy Tag. 1. Are you a Stay at Home Mum or a Working Mum? I am a working mum. I am working full-time 5 days a week 9-5.…

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My Blogging Corner Wish List – The IKEA Version

I have been thinking about the area/place I blog in for quite some time now. Before Christmas 2014 I used to blog on my phone. To some that might sound odd but up until that point I didn’t take blogging that serious. Christmas 2014 I was gifted with a netbook by my kind hubby. This took blogging to another level…

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5 Benefits of Wearing a Fitness Tracker for a Busy Mom

Although a fitness tracker is not the most mind blowing device nor the sleekest looking one, strapping on a fitness tracker can be oddly motivating. It does the simple things of ‘keeping tabs of you’ quite well and best of all you have every bit of data in real time from: steps walked, duration of the activity, distance covered, heart…

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Die Knorr/Maggi Mama

Heute dachte ich, dass ich mal was ganz außergewöhnliches poste. Erst einmal wird dies mein erster Blogpost, den ich auf deutsch schreiben werde und zum zweiten würde es einfach keinen Sinn machen über dieses Thema in Irland/Großbritannien zu reden, da es diese Produkte leider nur eingeschränkt hier gibt. Wie der Titel schon sagt Knorr/Maggi Mama geht es selbstverständlich um die…

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