A Day in a Parenting Blogger’s Life – Welsh Mum Writing

It’s Black Friday everyone. Don’t go too mad on the online shopping. Thankfully I have everything bought for Christmas already. It means saving is going to happen in this house. If you like reading about parenting blogger’s daily life, then you will like this post. I started this series just over a year ago and still have some bloggers who like to take part. If you haven’t taken part yet, you more than welcome to. Today I have Helen joining me who blogs at Welsh Mum Writing.

First of all, tell me a bit about yourself.

I’m Helen and a forty something first time mum. That makes me a geriatric mum according to the medical profession. Small Boy is two now. I work full time in PR and communications, but have a weird compressed work pattern so I still spend a lot of time at home. I blog over at www.welshmumwriting.com when I can – usually three times a week, crafting something over my day job lunch break (like most parents, I don’t get a break when I’m at home with the little one).

How many times were you woken last night?

Weirdly, none! It’s the first time for a long time. Small Boy has never been a great sleeper and it’s been even worse the past few months as he’s picked up one virus after another. I did fall asleep on the sofa and woke up at 5am – not idyllic but pretty close to.

Do you co-sleep?

Not but not from choice. We didn’t co-sleep when Small Boy was very young as my husband and I aren’t great sleepers anyway, plus I was up every hour with him for a long while so I’m not sure we’d have had a benefit. I wish he would now though. It would make staying away overnight much easier. Sadly, he just kicks me in the head and then bounces up and down if I bring him into bed.

What time do you normally wake up?

I’m usually awake at 5am. Small Boy always woke up then and it’s stuck now. At least that means I’m usually working by 6am or earlier most days.

How much average sleep do you get a night?

Typically four to five hours, six if I’m lucky, three on a bad night.

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?

Usually get Small Boy up and go downstairs, get him milk and me a mug of tea. If it’s a day I’m going into the office, then his Dad usually sorts that and I hope straight into the shower.

Tell me about your typical morning routine.

We’ve it down to a fine art. I go into the office very early three days a week, so I tend to get out of bed, shower, dress and dash downstairs to see Small Boy. His Dad will usually have him up then so it’s a tag team and then Dad has a shower. The three days a week I’m in the office, Dad takes him to nursery so I head straight to the office. On the two days I work from home, I tend to a bit more lazy. I might up early but I’ll use the time to crack on with some work online and put off showering until nap time, or if I think Small Boy can be trusted not to escape our bedroom while I pop in the shower.

When and how often do you prepare the family dinners? Give us a few examples what you would cook.

I usually cook six days a week, with a pizza or something out on the other one. I’m the first one to be home so it makes sense – plus I run a pretty tight ship on budgeting so I know exactly what meals need to be made in what order. I make good use of a slow cooker or meals I can prepare in batches and cook later on.

What’s on the menu for lunch?

Ham sandwich…. Boring.

What activities have you got planned for the day for the kids?

Dental check-ups – how exciting! We’ll head out to the park later. We live a five minute walk from a country house and park which is beautiful. Small Boy can kick a ball about for an hour and have a doze in his pushchair on the way back.

Do you generally eat dinner together as a family or get the kids fed first?

We generally eat together now as Small Boy is only really interested in grown up food. He eats at nursery three days a week so then it’s a case of him having a small portion of our dinner as late supper – unless he’s so tired he’s gone to bed already.

What do you do after dinner?

Generally it’s getting Small Boy to bed and then cleaning up the kitchen. Once he’s in bed I’ll either catch up on some work or write some content for my blog for an hour. We tend to be in bed very early since we became parents (particularly as he is such an early riser) so evenings seem very short now.

What is your bedtime routine?

We don’t really have one. Small Boy is on the wind down from  6.30pm so about 7pm he will be having a final glass of milk, maybe his bath, and into PJs. He usually gets a cuddle and a song and then in bed.  For me, it’s wipe off any make up I’ve been bothered to put on, PJs, moisturise and then in bed. If I’m not too tired I’ll read a book but I rarely get past two pages!

Most importantly, when and where do you normally blog in those 24 hours? Do you have a schedule?

I haven’t intentionally set a schedule as my day job can get very busy sometimes and I don’t want to prioritise anything over my time with Small Boy. Typically I blog during my lunch break on the three days I’m in the office, and then I’ll spend a few hours over the weekend.  I’m trying to be kind to myself as I’m a hell for leather, throw myself in full pelt type of gal.  I could easily burn out if I let myself. I typically post Monday, Wednesday and Friday and so far I feel like I have a balance.

Thanks for joining in Helen and giving us a day into you life. You are doing really good to survive on such a little amount of sleep and wake up very early too. I think I would be like a zombie.

Blog URL: www.welshmumwriting.com

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If you are interesting in taking part in this series, why not send me a quick email. 🙂