Living Arrows 18/52 Old Home

I am a day late with Living Arrows this week. Why? Because I thought today was Monday. That’s what an extra day off does to you. But on the other side, we were traveling yesterday so I didn’t really have time to catch up on the blog. By the time we got home, I just about made it to bed.

This week’s Living Arrows photos were taken in the play centre in our old “hometown”. On Friday I took a half day, while hubby took a full day. The main reason why we went back to Sligo was, because hubby took part in a tennis tournament. He was invited to play in it. So we stayed with his parents from Friday to Monday. We took seperate cars so I could take the kids anywhere and didn’t have to rely on him to have his game finished. On the Saturday for example he played four games as he entered singles as well as doubles.

Saturday afternoon we went out to cheer him and watch him play. He won his game but unfortunately he lost the next one the next morning. Well, I wouldn’t really say lost.. he retired because his hand was full of blisters which made it too sore to play. Other than that I would have been very confident that he would have made it to the final. Hopefully in the next tournament  he has better luck.

Sunday morning we decided to take a trip to the local play centre Five Star Fun we used to go to. Matthew and Chloe were pretty excited. I have always loved this play centre. It’s so neat and tidy and there is so much natural light coming as the front entrance is just all windows. Entrance for both kids was 12 Euro.

It took Chloe a little while to get settled before she went off to play with her big brother. They were both having the best of fun. Then Matthew even met one of his pre school friends he used to be in class with. She recognised him straight away and wanted to go on the big boy and big girl stuff with him. It was time to go back to the house and hubby booked a table for all of us to have some lunch/dinner. Chloe was having none of it and screamed down the place. Mainly because she missed her nap which is understandable.

I went to bed with Matthew pretty early and didn’t wake up until the next morning, I was that wrecked. Yesterday after lunch we were off home again. We had a lovely weekend away. I’d love to be away every second or third weekend. If there wasn’t the packing, unpacking and washing…

Living Arrows

1 Comment

  1. 7th May 2017 / 2:50 pm

    They look like they had the best time at the play centre – you really can’t beat places like that, such easy entertainment! x