The Siblings Project February 2019

Slightly late with this post but I wanted to keep a memory of it on my blog anyway because it is so nice to look back on. You wouldn’t realise how much the kids would change within a year if you don’t take a photo of them on a monthly basis. I always looking back at the end of the year and have a collage going each year.

This is going to be my fourth year joining in with the Siblings project created originally by Lucy from Dear Beautiful Boy. I think it is such a lovely idea. I do apologies for the lack of posts on my blog as of the last few months. I have not gone fully idle. I am mainly floating around on Instagram these days. Feel free to come and say hi as I am uploading a photo a day and publish a lot of stories every day.

I have also decided to post my Siblings post from now on at the end of the month. For us it makes more sense as we can round up the month better rather than rounding up half of last month and this month.

February was a bit busier month than January was. It all started off with celebrating Chloe’s fourth birthday. Matthew and Chloe had a little cuddle before blowing out the candles together. He insisted on sitting beside the birthday girl. At first Chloe wasn’t a fan because she is the birthday girl but shortly after she was okay with it. The two of them can be adorable together…sometimes.

Later on in the month Matthew’s godfather Alan stayed with us for a weekend to catch up. On a Sunday, while hubby was off playing tennis, we met him at the local garden centre for lunch. The kids love Alan and are always excited to see him. Even though, as with everyone, it takes Chloe a little while to warm up first. We enjoyed some fantastic lunch and then went on and explored the garden centre. Amazing what you can actually find. The two of them loved it. We found a fountain and gathered some coins which they threw into the water. (captured below)

The weekend after that was again a busy one. Both kids had an individual play date with one of their friends. We also went to the local park to the playground for a little while one morning. It was a cold one so we didn’t stay for too long. Chloe enjoyed pushing Matthew on the swing and following him everywhere he went.

We also managed to fit in a visit to the circus and cinema. So February was definitely not shortage of things to do for us as a family. We went to see the Lego movie. Chloe lasted surprisingly long. She is not the biggest fan of cinemas. She also prefers real life people movies, rather than cartoons like Matthew. Matthew loved the circus. Chloe not so much as the main guy entertaining the tent, popped a few balloons. She wasn’t a fan of that all. Chloe and hubby left a bit earlier, while Matthew and me stayed on.

1 Comment

  1. 8th March 2019 / 9:50 pm

    Oh they really are growing up! They look so close x