A Day in a Parenting Blogger’s Life – Blondie Mommy Stories

It’s FRIYAY!! I actually can’t wait for the weekend to start. I was off sick at the beginning of the week and I don’t think it’s still not quite right. I’ll have a busy weekend ahead though because hubby is going on a mini trip. But on Sunday afternoon I am going for afternoon tea with my friend. Have to tick off my afternoon tea bucket list after all.

Today we are going international. It’s Oana who lives in Romania and blogs at Blondie Mommy Stories.

First of all, tell me a bit about yourself.

Hi everyone! First of all, I want to tell you how happy I am to take part of this Blog Series. Thank you, Janine!

I’m the mother of a 4 year old boy and live in Bucharest, Romania. I found motherhood so challenging, that I tried to be a parent in my own way, making it easy for me (at least trying).

How many times were you woken last night?


Do you co-sleep?

I’m not a big fan of co-sleeping. My son never slept with me or my husband. As a newborn, he slept in his own crib in our bedroom, and since five months old he sleeps in his own bedroom.

What time do you normally wake up?

That depends… If it’s a weekday and my son needs to go to preschool my alarm clock is set to 7:45 a.m. My son needs to be until 8:45 a.m. at preschool, since at 9:00 a.m. they serve breakfast.
In weekends (or in the day that he’s sick with flu, which happens a lot) I wake up when he wakes up. Around 9 a.m.

How much average sleep do you get a night?

6-7 hours. And that’s because I stay up late at night.

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?

I hit the Snooze button.

Tell me about your typical morning routine.

I wake up after hitting the Snooze button for at least three time. I wake my son up, and begin my morning marathon. Brushing teeth, getting dressed and driving to preschool.

When and how often do you prepare the family dinners? Give us a few examples what you would cook.

I cook dinner almost every day. Sometimes, I cook something that we can eat for 2 days.
I’m kind of new to kitchen… As my husband used to say, “I’m not getting along with our kitchen”. So I try and cook simple dinners, but I also try and cook some sophisticated meals.
I love cooking duck breast with orange sauce. I just love it since I’ve eaten it at the restaurant. It’s pretty easy to cook, since it must lay several hours in the oven.
I also want to try and cook some chicken breast with peaches and cheese. I’ve seen this somewhere, and it just appealed to me.
The easiest recipe, and the one that my son just loves, is spaghetti with tomato sauce. Pretty simple one, right?

What’s on the menu for lunch?

I cook lunch only for weekends and when my son is staying at home and not going to preschool.
Usually our lunch consists of some kind of soup and something else… I don’t always cook the second dish.

What activities have you got planned for the day for the kids?

I do a lot of puzzles with my son. He just loves them. He also loves Lego and, most importantly, cars. I’m on the way of teaching my son to play by his own. He’s searching for constant attention and doesn’t like to play by himself. So, I can’t do anything else, when I’m with him.

Do you generally eat dinner together as a family or get the kids fed first?

We always eat dinner together. I like to teach my son what family really means, and this includes eating together. Of course, there are some occasional exceptions.

What do you do after dinner?

Play or watch TV. We usually eat one or two hours before bed.

What is your bedtime routine?

Sometimes we read a story, but not always. I like laying down with my son until he falls asleep, hugging him. After he falls asleep, I gently get out of his bed, trying not to wake him up and go to my blogging and freelancing routine until 12 p.m. or 1 a.m.

Most importantly, when and where do you normally blog in those 24 hours? Do you have a schedule?

I don’t have a schedule. It’s one of my 2017 goals to be more organised. I try and blog while my son is at preschool and when he sleeps. Sometimes, also when he’s awake, since I try and teach him to play by himself, because mommy has to work.

Thanks Ooana. I can relate to the constant attention. My first born was really independent from a very young age but my second is the complete opposite.

Everyone loves a follower more. What social media platforms can we find you on?



Pinterest: https://ro.pinterest.com/oanawrites/blondie-mommys-stories/

If this is something you might be interested in, why not drop me a quick email to be featured as well and I will get back to you. admin@janineslittleworld.com

1 Comment

  1. 20th February 2017 / 2:35 pm

    Great insights into your life. It’s amazing how much we get done in a day isn’t it. Trying to fit in blogging around kids, etc it’s hard. We could all be doing with an early night now and then. xx