1000 Questions to Myself #11 About Luck and Stress

It’s been over a week since I last posted the next set of questions. I have been parenting solo for almost two weeks. You honestly don’t get as much done.

201. How well do you know your neighbours?

I know they’re there… All fun aside, we say hello whenever we spot each other outside and have a small talk sometimes but that’s about it.

202. Are you often lucky?

Not often but sometimes. It can be anything from winning a prize.

203. Which friend do you differentiate from?

This is one of these questions that I can’t really answer. You don’t know my friends and it’s hard to say which one I would pick for this.

204. What do you do different to your parents?

I wouldn’t say I do things different. Every parent dies things their own way and what works best for them. Every child ticks different. I was a very easy child. My grandparents were a huge part of my childhood, something my kids don’t have that much unfortunately.

205. What gives you new energy?

A good night’s sleep.

206. Where you happy during your puberty? 

Everyone has their ups and downs and I’m sure it was the same in my puberty. I was definitely a happy teenager and may have been happier than I am now.

207. When was the last time you went through the night?

The furthest I made it was 2am. That was the work’s Christmas party. I never make it through the night until 6am or whatever. I love my sleep too much for that, particularly now that I have kids.

208. What do you like to do in your daydreams?

Many different things but I don’t know if you would call them daydream.

209. Do you often look around you?

Sometimes, more so when it’s dark outside and I’m out and about.

210. What do most people not know about you?

There are probably a few things but do you mean my readers or people I know in general? If I’d tell you though, everyone would know though, right?

211. What’s your argument with your partner over and over again?

There’s always an argument over something but the most common one is who works the most, who the primary income earner is. I work full time too AND have to mind the kids and give them my full attention even after eight hours of work in the office.

212. What are you looking forward to every day?

Honestly? Sitting down on the couch once the kids are in bed for some tea, biscuit and crap TV.

213. Which friendship do you miss from the past?

There was only ever two close friends I had. One of them I am chatting to on WhatsApp nearly every day. We do live in different countries now but at least we are still staying in touch. It would be nice to catch up on the latest gossip though.

214. How do you handle stress?

I’m trying not to stress myself too much and just get on with it.

215. Do you occasionally act differently than you are?

Only really if I’m anxious or angry.

216. What are your equal to your father?

I don’t know my dad.

217. Can you force luck?

No, you can’t. It happens naturally. I would call it destiny on some occasions.

218. Which type of dispute are you?

I like fighting for my right. So I argue a lot. Could be just because I am German though. It drives me bonkers when people just give up on things.

219. Are you lively once you wake up in the morning?

When I had no kids, it would take me a while to get out of bed. Since I have my kids I am quite good at getting out of bed now. I do go to bed early enough to get my eight hours sleep each night.

220. What does your laugh sound like?

If I am proper laughing, then it’s more on the quieter side. I’m laughing into myself.