The Siblings Project July 2018

The last month has been an amazing month for us. The kids had a blast outside in the garden for the most of it. We haven’t seen rain in such a long time and you can clearly see that. Our grass is non existent, it’s pretty much brown now. We had a bit of rain in the last few days but it will take a while to all grow back.

The end of last month we went to Bray to attend their cousins 4th birthday party. Matthew was so excited as they had a bouncy castle. As much as he loves bouncing up and down on it, I am afraid he will hurt himself at some stage. Particularly when he is up there with a few other, older boys. He did good though. Chloe stayed well off it. However when everyone was inside, she got brave and really wanted to give it a go. Matthew helped her and told her it’s okay. I even went on it with her.

Matthew is really good to her encouraging her to do more and telling her it’s okay. They are the best brother and sister most of the time.

The reason we haven’t been out much in the last couple of weeks, is mainly because of the heat. You just drag yourself  along when it’s so warm and it’s just not worth it and enjoyable. The kids, particularly always suffer badly when it’s very warm. At the moment we are getting our garden done and so we have no garden furniture at the moment. They normally love sitting outside under the parasol eating their lunch or dinner.

Bedtime seems to be the most fun part for them at the moment. We normally have a bit of downtime in the living room before they go upstairs to bed. And so they are allowed to watch an episode each from their favourite show before we are heading upstairs. For whatever reason, when we are upstairs, they seem to be getting this energy boost and running around  like lunatics. The latest one is where Chloe is pretending to be a ghost looking for Matthew shouting “I’m a ghost, I’m a ghost”. It’s funny and cute at the same time though. We can’t always be serious.

It’s not always fun and games in our house though, even though most of it might sound like it. We have days where they kill each other. It turns out Chloe can be a dare little devil, too. She seems to get more confident as she gets older which is nice to see. She used to be super shy this time last year where she would be stuck to us for two hours straight until she finally becomes confident. So this is a huge improvement. The kids have been on Summer holidays three weeks now but us parents are only taking a two week holiday in early August which they are both looking forward to. We are doing a staycation but are planning to book early for next year.


The Siblings Project - Dear Beautiful