

Behind the Scenes Blogging Tag

I found another tag on Northumberland Mam’s Blog. This time it’s blogging related. I love the old tag and answering questions. The good thing about it is, it gives you an insight of what I do and how I do it as a blogger. Any other blogger reading this and who hasn’t done this tag, is more than welcome to…

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Garden Games This Summer

Summer is truly upon us now.  Of course, especially in Ireland, we do get the odd day of rain and maybe sometimes a bit too much but honestly this June was pretty good. As far as I can remember June normally used to be the month of rain in Ireland. So far it has been a very good month. You…

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Ein Offener Brief an meinen Opa

Lieber Opa, 9 Jahre ist es nun schon fast her, seitdem du von uns gegangen bist. Kaum zu glauben.  Das mag sich nach einer langen Zeit anhören, aber so wie an Mutti und Omi, denke ich auch an dich jeden Tag. Da kommen viele Geschehnisse in meinem Kopf vor, an die ich gerne dran erinnert werde und denke “Oh ja,…

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How Chickenpox Can Be Oh So Different

What a hell of two weeks we have had behind us and it’s not over yet. Three weeks ago there was a notice on the window of the kids crèche down the road. “A case of chickenpox is going around“. I haven’t thought any of  it because they were going around over two years ago in Matthew’s room and he…

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Wake Up To Organic

Organix Fruity Eggy Bread Organix is celebrating Wake Up To Organic to help inspire mums and dads to get a great start to the day with their little ones. So why not shake up breakfast time and try something new like this simple and tasty eggy bread that’s nice and quick to whip up. Top tip: Try starting the day…

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