Chloe, You Are Four

Dear Chloe,

I can’t believe I am writing yet another letter to you. It means you are once again one year older. The time is just flying by. Today you are turning four years of age. You will be having a little party with your friends in creche and I am sure there will be lots of cake. Matthew told me he is allowed to join when he gets back from school. I think you will be very happy about that as you adore your brother and look up to him.

You have definitely turned into a little character in the last year. Looking back on old photos within the last year, we only realise how much you have changed. You certainly know what you want and if you don’t get what you want, you are getting really upset. There may be the odd banging off the kitchen doors. In a way it is funny to watch how angry you get. Though it is okay to get mad once in a while.

In my last letter to you, you were in the middle of being potty trained. You have mastered this really well and have no issue going to the toilet on your own. I still help you with number two but only for hygiene reasons. You are still in nappies at night which is not a problem at all, as each morning you still wake up with a wet nappy on. We will tackle this soon.

Last year was your second time on an airplane. It is probably the first time though that you would still remember. Our trip to Spain you were only a tiny 18 months old. You keep telling me how much you love airplanes and would love to go on holidays again. Hopefully we can fulfill your wish this year.

The bedtime routine has definitely become a lot easier. This time last year mammy and daddy had to sleep on the uncomfortable airbed to get you to sleep. At this point we still have to be in your room until you have gone to sleep but I am totally fine with that. You like having us close to us and if that’s the only way you can fall asleep, let that be it. However during the night you are waking up to come into our room and sleep with us. I did promise Matthew that this will change once you turn four, as you are a big girl now. We’ll see how we get on.

Your favourite thing to do is, without a doubt, playing with your dolls. Santa brought you a new interactive doll which enables you to feed and change. As well as that you got a bed and a new buggy for the baby. You have so much joy doing roll play with all the babies, bringing them on pretend holidays or walks.

Getting dressed is not a problem to you at all. But you did become quite picky as to what you want to wear. Dresses, for example, are out of the question. We are trying to get you back into it very slowly though and hopefully you will get used to it. Of course you can keep wearing your little tops and leggings as you have your own style going. One thing we definitely have to address is your hair. I have tried multiple times to brush your hair but you are just not a fan of it. I’d say it is the feeling of it. I would love to put your hair up in a pony tail or whichever style possible but again you just don’t like it. It might be something we can work on this year as you look adorable with your hair up.

Your eating habits haven’t improved really. Vegetable is not a thing for you at all. In fact it is quite hard to cook for you and getting you to eat a full dinner. I think you are more of a snack person. I am sure that will improve, too once you get older. Your big brother Matthew was just the same and eats nearly everything now at the age of six.

Until then, we hope you enjoy your birthday, your party and all your presents.

We love you very much Sugy.

Mammy & Daddy xxx