Top Tips to Make a House Move Less Stressful

We have been in our new home over two years now. It actually takes a while to get everything back in place the way you want it. Different layout of the house has to be taken into consideration or trying out something new that wasn’t possible to do in the old house due to space issues.

Moving house is definitely one of the most stressful lifetime events you will ever experience. It’s right up there with losing a family member. However if you organise it the right way and plan it all well in advanced, it can be less stressful. I am not gonna lie, moving house wasn’t the easiest. Particularly because it wasn’t just down the road. We actually had to travel for nearly three hours down the country. There are a few things you can do, to make it a smooth house move.

Book removal company

Once you have confirmed the date you will move, call a removal company. Make sure you call a few movers to price them as some of them can be a rip off. I would say you will have to have this booked at least a month in advanced to be sure they have a free slot on the day of the move.

Take time off

When we moved, I took two weeks off. One week was for packing up the house and the other week was for integrating the kids into the new creche. It is important that you stick to the plan each day of the week you are off and only take a few small breaks. Sometimes I got carried away and on the last day I ended up stressing a bit because a few things weren’t packed up on time.

Start with the attic

The attic is a place you generally open only once or twice a year. One time being Christmas to pull down that Christmas tree and all the decorations that come with it. It is also a place you keep stuff you genuinely don’t use anymore but don’t want to admit. If there is stuff up there, you haven’t taken down in over a year or longer even, then you should definitely sort it out and bring it to the dump. The dump has made quite some money from us during that time.

Sort out all wardrobes

When moving house, it gives you the perfect opportunity to go through all your clothes. Every person generally has clothes kept somewhere that they haven’t worn in a while and don’t intend to. They just didn’t have the heart to throw them out yet. It saves more space in all the suitcases you’re gonna pack up.

Move stuff in before moving day

Not in all cases but in some cases, you may get the chance to move some stuff already into the house before the actual moving day. Take advantage of it. It saves you more space in the car to take other stuff with you on moving day.

If you have moved house before, what would be your top tips?

*collaborative post

1 Comment

  1. 7th February 2019 / 1:34 pm

    Yes, you are right moving is always a stressful task but with the right removalists, it will be your stress-free move.