Sign Up to Aptaclub

logoWhen it comes to feeding your baby you are the one that makes the decision what formula your baby gets. Matthew was a bottle fed baby up to the age of 2. He received Aptamil’s first infant milk and once he was old enough growing up milk. Chloe has stepped into his foot steps. In my opinion Aptamil is best and comes as close to breast milk. This is a complete personal choice of course. Aptamil has been around for so many years that I trust them the most.

Whether it’s your first or second baby or, you are trying to conceive or you are currently pregnant, Aptamil have created a website called “Aptaclub”. I find this website very helpful even having my second one. There’s always some sort of help you require because you forgot how it works from the first.

When you sign up to this club there are so many benefits to it. The experts are always available to help via email or live chat between 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday. I’ve used this service, for example, for weaning advice in the past. I found the team very helpful. Email is available 24/7 from their midwives and nutritionists. Aptaclubs emails are very personalised which in my opinion is even more trusting. Their response is generally very quick.


Once you signed up you have the option to either view their products from baby to 12 months + or you can explore what stage your baby is at.

On top of that they offer how-to-guides and checklists, ie what you require in your hospital bag. But there’s just so much more, you simply have to log on and see for yourself and explore.


Not only you can avail of the advice from the experts here, why not follow them on Twitter, give them a like on Facebook or check out their YouTube channel for even more advice.

To signup, simply click on the Aptaclub banner on the right hand side in my sidebar. It’s free!

Have you become an Aptaclub member recently? Why not share your experience in the comments below. I’d love to hear about it. 


  1. Janine's Little World
    22nd June 2015 / 9:49 am

    Aptamil is a quite filling milk. That’s why Chloe is so chubby. lol Matthew was the same. Sometimes I do wonder if Chloe can’t drink the milk either but she is nearly 5 months now and I am not going to change now. It upsets her even more then. It only started at 3 months so more than likely teething related.

  2. 22nd June 2015 / 9:42 am

    This sounds like a great resource for bottle feeding
    mums – Apatamil didn’t agree with my little mans tummy so we had to switch to another brand, but definitely could have done with this from time to time.